20. January, 2018Past Events No comments

Mar Maroun Fundraising
The Sacred Heart Family of Our Lady of Lebanon, in collaboration with OLOL’s Youth Group, IGNITE, is hosting
its annual Mar Maroun Lunch after both masses on Sunday February 11th, 2018.
We invite you and your families to come join us and enjoy some yummy food to celebrate the feast day of our
beloved Mar Maroun!
If you would like to contribute to this event by sharing a food dish, please call:
Colette Dagher (6478982708) or Amal Kharrat (6476685032).
Monetary contributions are graciously accepted also, as money raised from the event will be donated to charity
organizations in Lebanon (i.e. Father Majdi Allawi, Telelumiere, etc.).
God bless and hope to see you there!


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